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4 Types of Wing Shape in Birds


Birds use their wings to fly. There are four wing shapes that are common in birds. Each wing shape has its different uses.




Passive soaring wings have long feathers that spread out, creating "slots" (spaces between the wing feathers) that allow the bird to catch vertical columns of hot air called "thermals" and rise higher in the air.















Active soaring wings are long and narrow, allowing birds to soar for a long time. However, these birds are much more dependent on wind currents than passive soaring birds. 















Elliptical wings are good for short bursts of high speed. It allows the bird to very fast for only a short time.


















High-speed wings are long and thin, but not nearly as long as birds with active soaring wings.

Birds with this wing type are incredibly fast  and they can maintain the speed for a longer time.
















Passive Soaring Wings

Examples of birds with this wing type include eagles, most hawks, and storks. 

Active Soaring Wings

Examples of birds with this wing type are albarosses, gulls, and gannets. 

Elliptical Wings

Examples of birds that have this wing type are crows, ravens, blackbirds, sparrows, and thrushes such as the American Robin. 

High- Speed Wings

Examples of birds that have this wing type are swifts, ducks, falcons and sandpipers. 

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