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The flightless ostrich is the world's largest bird. Although they cannot fly, ostriches are fast, strong runners. They can sprint up to 70 kilometers an hour and run over distance of 50 kilometers in an hour. They may use their wings as "rudders" to help them change direction while running.


An ostrich's powerful, long legs can cover 3 to 5 meters in a single stride. These legs can also be formidable weapons. Ostrich kicks can kill a human or a  predator like a lion. Each two-toed foot has a long, sharp claw.


They roam African savanna and desert lands and get most of their water from the plants they eat. 


Ostriches eat plants, roots, and seeds but will also eat insects, lizards, or other creatures available in their sometimes harsh habitat.


Ostriches live in small herds that usually contain less than 12 birds.


Ostrich's giant eggs are the largest of any living bird at 15cm long and weighing as much as 12 chicken eggs.








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