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Mandarin Duck

Mandarin ducks are known as one of the most beautiful and the most colorful birds. Their feathers is combination of white, black, grey, creamy, orange and green colors. Their beak is red with white tip.


They can be found in Eastern Asia, China, Russia, Europe and certain parts of North America. They usually live in areas near lakes, ponds and rivers.


Mandarin duck spends a lot of time in the water. It has webbed feet which helps it to paddle through the water. Oily substance covers the feathers and prevents soaking of the skin


Mandarin duck eats acorn and various seeds, insects, worms, snails, small fish and frogs


A Mandarin duck will only  have one mate throughout their whole life. The female duck builds a nest in the tree cavity to lay eggs. The male duck guards the female but does not sit on the eggs to incubate them.


Mandarin Ducks

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