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Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet macaws are famous for their bright colors. Their red, yellow, green, and blue feathers seem bold and eye-catching to us but actually blend in well with the green leaves, red and yellow fruits, and bluish shadows of the rain forest.


Macaws have large, powerful beaks designed to crush nuts and seeds. Their strong, flexible toes are used like hands to grasp nuts or a perch. Loud screeching, squawking voices help them make their presence known in dense rain forests.


They are found in lowland rainforests near rivers in Mexico and Central and South America. 


They eat ruit, nuts and seeds, flowers, leaves, stems of plants, insects, and snails.


Macaws are intelligent and curious birds that like to explore and keep busy. They spend a lot of time interacting with their flock. Macaws are known to use tools and play with interesting objects they find, moving them with their feet, testing them with their tongues, and tossing them around.


The Scarlet Macaw generally mates for life and nests high up in the cavities of tropical trees. The female usually lays 1 to 4 eggs and both male and females care for the young.



About Parrot-

Scarlet Macaw

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