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All birds have feathers and birds are the only animals that do!


Feathers do many jobs for birds.  Soft down keeps them warm, wing feathers allow flight and tail feathers are used for steering.


The color of the feathers can be used to hide the bird or to help the bird find a boyfriend or a girlfriend!


Do you know what makes a bird different from other animal?

All birds reproduce by laying eggs with hard shells, and most build nests to help protect the eggs from weather and predators. Adult birds almost always sit on the eggs to keep them warm until they hatch.

Birds' Reproduction.

Like mammals, birds are warm-blooded which means that they make their own body heat and can stay warm even when the sun is not out.

Birds are
  • There are around 10000 different species of birds worldwide.

  • Scientists believe that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs

  • Birds have hollow bones which help them fly.

Birds have two wings, feathers and two feet. They are warm blooded and lay eggs. 
Most birds can fly but there are a few species of birds that cannot fly. Can you name them?
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Facts about Birds

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All About Birds

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Problem Trigger

There is an unusual bird that escaped from the laboratory in Bird Park a few days ago. This bird can both run and fly. It can camouflage very well. It eats fruits and seeds. 


Bird Park appeals to school to design and display a ‘Lost’ poster for the unusual bird which has escaped from its laboratory.

Lost Bird!!
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